P2A Navigator Release Notes November 27, 2023

Hi, we've just released an update to P2A Nav. Here's what changed:

New Features

  • Live Polls and Offline Surveys from a specific assessment can now be reopened. If a Live Poll or Offline Survey has been closed in the currently viewed assessment for an organization/system/team, trying to start a new Live Poll or Offline Survey for the same organization/system/team will prompt to reopen the original Live Poll or Offline Survey.
  • Action Items will now move with teams or systems when they are moved between organizations. If the team or system is being copied, the action items will be duplicated into the new organization as well.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue related to Capability sorting on the Offline Survey's discuss view. Capabilities should now be sorted in a more expected manner.

As always, contact us either by clicking the Contact Support button in the top navigation of Navigator, sending a message in our Path to Agility Slack, or by writing to us at support@pathtoagility.com. Thank you for being a Path to Agility Navigator user!