Company, Org, System, Team Configuration and User Management

Some of the features and functions described in this article are limited by P2ANav user role.


The Companies feature in P2ANav allows the creation and management of companies, organizations, systems, and teams. It also provides access to manage assessment hosts and P2A users.

Key User Interface Elements

List of Companies

  • Click the Company List link at the top of the main navigation panel
  • You'll then see an alphabetically sorted list of companies that you have access to.

Company Dashboard

Click on a company in the list and you'll see the company overview dashboard.

Visit Navigating to Your Organization for more information about selecting an organization from this page.

Company Settings

At the top of the page are company configurations:

Manage Hierarchy

Clicking the "Manage Hierarchy" card will take you to the company hierarchy setup screen where you can add/ edit your company's organizations, systems and teams.

  • The setup screen allows you to add a new organization to the company. 
    • Provide a name for the new org, then click submit
  • Click on an existing organization in the setup screen to add systems and teams 
    • Click New System, provide name, and click the check mark
    • Similarly, you can add teams to an existing system. 
      • Click show teams
      • Click New Team, provide a team name, and then click the check mark 
  • For Organizations, Systems, and Teams you can access additional functions: 
    • Edit: Change the name
    • Move: (Systems and Teams only): Move to a different location, eg. org or system. You can optionally choose to copy. 
    • Delete: Can not be undone! Removes all associated data.
    • Archive (Beta): Archive retains the historical data while removing the node from default navigation. Essentially, an archived node and its data is still accessible but will be excluded from actions by default.
      • Navigation will now include an option for archived organizations
      • Filters where nodes are listed for selection (i.e. reports) provide the option to include/exclude data from archived nodes in the results
    • Manage Members: Allows assigning of a host for Agile Capability assessments for that level

For larger enterprises exploring additional ways to segment their team hierarchy, our Team Tagging may be of interest.

Manage Users

From the Company Settings, click the "Manage Users" card

  • You can then add and import users. 
    • Add one at a time: You'll need user names and email addresses.
      • The default selection for new users is Basic User, but the role they will be assigned may be changed using the Role dropdown
    • Import: Upload a .csv file
      • Fields: Full Name, Email address
      • Imported users will be assigned Basic User

New users will receive an automatic email invitation from The subject line will be "Welcome to Path to Agility Navigator!" The email will have a link for the user to complete setup, including setting their password

  • From the user screen, you can also access:
    • Resend a welcome email
    • View user log: Shows details by action, types, description and date
    • Change user role
      • View Only: Can see all data but cannot run polls, publish assessments, delete assessments, or administer users.
      • Basic User: Can see all data and run polls, but not publish assessments, delete assessments, or administer users.
      • Assessment Admin: Can see all data, run polls, publish assessments, and delete assessments, but not administer users.
      • Company Admin: Can see all data, administer assessments, and administer users.
    • Delete user: Cannot be undone.

It is not currently possible to edit a user's name or email address. To make changes or corrections, delete the existing user and add a new one to replace them.

Customize Language

If available, the Path to Agility language can be manually tailored to better fit your organization's needs. If you're interested in this feature, reach out to to learn more.

Agile Outcome descriptions, Agile Capability descriptions, and Agile Capability acceptance criteria can be changed. Find the entry you would like to customize, and double click into the "Custom Description" or "Custom Acceptance Criteria" field to write in your new value.

If you'd like to clear the customization, simply clear out the contents of the field.

Export Data as CSV

All assessment data for the entire company can be exported to a CSV file using this option.

Delete Company

From the Company Settings, you can delete the company, all of its organizations, systems, and teams. This cannot be undone.

Note: Due to software updates over time, there may be variations between screenshots, icons, buttons, and navigational elements in our online support documents and the Path the Agility Navigator platform