Team Tagging

Some of the features and functions described in this article are limited by P2ANav user role.


The Team Tagging feature in P2ANav allows the creation and management of tags which can be applied to team nodes within the company. There also exists tag categories that allows you to have higher level groupings of these tags to aide in organization. This feature is designed for large enterprises that have a complex organizational structure that needs extra dimensions of hierarchy outside of P2A's standard organization, system, and team structure.

After being assigned to teams, these tags can be used in various parts of P2ANav, such as in Reports or Metrics, to select different subsets of teams outside of the standard organization / system categorization.

Key User Interface Elements

The Tag Management interface can be accessed by clicking Manage Tags from the Company Hierarchy page (explained further in Company, Org, System, Team Configuration and User Management).

After clicking Manage Tags, you will be presented with the following modal. Inside this modal there are two tabs: Tags, and Tag Categories.


On the Tags tab, the left column displays all of the tags that currently exist. The name of the tag shows the name of the tag, the abbreviation of the tag category it is a member of (or the tag category name, if no abbreviation exists), and the number of nodes that the tag is associated to. There is a button to Create Tags, as well as icon buttons to associate, edit, and delete existing tags.

Tag Categories

On the Tag Categories tab, the layout is similar to that of the Tags tab. Each tag category is displayed, along with its abbreviation (if one exists), and the number of tags that category is associated with. Tag categories have icon buttons to delete and edit, and there is a button to Create Category.

Org Hierarchy

Once tags are associated to teams, they will display in the standard node hierarchy configuration screen. 

If there is more than 1 tag on a specific team, the additional tags text can be hovered to list the additional tags on that node.

Note: Due to software updates over time, there may be variations between screenshots, icons, buttons, and navigational elements in our online support documents and the Path the Agility Navigator platform