
The Insights report helps you visualize the data from various parts of your organization. For a specific set of teams, systems and organizations, you can see average scores per stage, scores per Agile capability as well as see trends like highest and lowest scoring capabilities. You can visualize the data for a chosen time period or for specific assessments.


Filter Controls

  1. Level of assessment data: Choose between either organization, system, or team level data. This will affect the level of node that you are able to select from the next input.
  2. Teams/ System or Organization selected: Clicking this input will open a dialogue to choose exactly which nodes from the company to examine within the page. If Insights is being browsed from an organization, the whole organization will start selected by default.
  3. Date range: Choose for what range of data you would like to view. By default, this is set to 3 months. If you'd like to view all possible data, choose "Most recent data". This option is disabled if assessment selection is used.
  4. Assessment selection: If desired, you may instead choose to filter your subsets of data by assessment. This is only available if the nodes selected are located within one organization, not spanning multiple organizations. 
  5. Comparison assessment: If an assessment is selected in the previous input, you are also able to select a different assessment to compare it to. This will enable a comparison mode of sorts that will have slightly different visuals and page controls, allowing you to compare to moments in time from assessments side by side. The assessment selected in the first drop down will be considered the primary/current assessment, while the assessment selected in this second dropdown will be considered the secondary/past assessment.
  6. Stages: Toggle on or off certain Path to Agility stages if you would like to narrow focus and remove distractions.


This visualization shows the scores of each capability's score by each stage. The average score for each stage is shown at the top of each stage's graph.

On the top right, the visualization can be configured.

  • Visual Mode
    • Average: averages the scores for all of the included nodes together (that have scores for the capability)
    • Distribution: displays each of the scores as an individual unit, including the nodes that do not have scores
  • Show labels: Whether or not to include the capability's names
  • Visualization Type
    • Bar graph: Shows the data with a different bar graph for each stage, as seen in the figure above
    • Heatmap: Shows the data similar to the Capabilities page


This section provides highlights of the data from above for easier consumption. Of the selected nodes, it lists the highest scoring capabilities, the lowest scoring capabilities, and the highest priority capabilities to make progress on, based on the same P2A Index algorithm as in Prioritization.

You can click the "Summarize with AI" button to synthesize the data into a written paragraph explaining the insights and trends found.

Capabilities can be clicked on to open a side panel with more information about the capability (such as written Notes or Actions).