Navigating to Your Organization

When first arriving into Path to Agility Navigator, you'll land on your company's Dashboard.

To navigate to a specific organization, you can click on the "Select Organization" button, or expand the organization list using the chevron next to the company name on the left navigation sidebar.

Once this is expanded, all organizations within the company are listed underneath the company name, and can be selected. Once an organization is clicked, it will navigate you into the context of that organization. Here, organizations "Knowledge Center", "New Eden", and "Tatuaje" exist under the company "Cussen and Assoc. Global National". 

Once we've entered an organization, the left navigation sidebar will change, displaying the company's name in subtext, while the organization name is the bolded and underlined text. You can swap to another organization, or back to the company level by clicking the chevron next to the organization again.

Now that you're in an organization, dive deeper by exploring more of our Using P2A Navigator articles.