P2A Navigator Release Notes August 12, 2024

Hi, we've just released an update to P2A Nav. Here's what changed:

New Features

  • Added an assessment filter to the Company Dashboard, allowing users to filter the data by assessment instead of date range when looking at a single organization.


  • Unselected nodes in the node selection modals will now show as black instead of gray to improve consistency with other parts of the application.
  • Added the assessment name to the prompt that displays when the user tries to delete an assessment for better clarity. Thanks for the feedback on this one!

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where data for a moved team was still showing up in the CSV export for the old organization of the team.

As always, contact us either by clicking the Contact Support button in the top navigation of Navigator, sending a message in our Path to Agility Slack, or by writing to us at support@pathtoagility.com. Thank you for being a Path to Agility Navigator user!