P2A Navigator Release Notes September 19, 2024

Hi, we've just released an update to P2A Nav. Here's what changed:


  • Prioritization: Capability list will now be populated even without a Business Outcome selected. All Business Outcomes will receive equal weighting when there is none selected. Previously, a Business Outcome had to be selected before the list of capabilities would be populated.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the user management page would not reload in some cases when a user was modified or deleted.
  • Fixed an issue where the Assess button on the Assessments page would not reload the state when a poll was assigned with a host as the Assessments page would not immediately detect that change and required a page refresh. Now, the page automatically reloads this data so it always reflects the latest state of the polls and hosts.

As always, contact us either by clicking the Contact Support button in the top navigation of Navigator, sending a message in our Path to Agility Slack, or by writing to us at support@pathtoagility.com. Thank you for being a Path to Agility Navigator user!